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Saturday, September 25, 2010
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Posted by Pak Maeh at 9/25/2010 11:58:00 PM 7 comments
Monday, December 29, 2008
Nutritional Supplements for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
In the United States, the condition is often referred to as Lou Gehrig's Disease, after the famed New York Yankees baseball star who was diagnosed with the disease in 1939 and died from it two years later; today, renowned physicist Stephen Hawking is likely the most well-known living ALS patient. As a motor neuron disease, the disorder causes muscle weakness and atrophy throughout the body as both the upper and lower motor neurons degenerate, ceasing to send messages to muscles.
Unable to function, the muscles gradually weaken, develop fasciculations (twitches) because of denervation, and eventually atrophy because of that denervation. The patient may ultimately lose the ability to initiate and control all voluntary movement except for the eyes.
Cognitive function is generally spared except in certain situations such as when ALS is associated with front temporal dementia. However, there are reports of more subtle cognitive changes of the front temporal type in many patients when detailed neuropsychological testing is employed. Sensory nerves and the autonomic nervous system, which controls functions like sweating, generally remain functional.
Even though the is no cure has yet been found for ALS, the key in truly helping patients with ALS is to rebuild their natural antioxidant defense system and natural immune system back to optimal levels. This can be accomplished by the following nutritional recommendations.
Optimal Recommendations
Essentials Breakfast-2, Dinner-2
Active Calcium Breakfast-2, Dinner-2
Proflavanol Breakfast-4, Dinner-4
E Prime Breakfast-1, Dinner-1
Coquinone 30 Breakfast-2, Dinner-2
Poly C Breakfast-3, Dinner-3
BiOmega 3 Breakfast-2, Dinner-1
Minimal Recommendations
No minimal recommendation for ALS
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What Next?
As promised in my earlier post, we are going start discussing about Usana Nutritional Supplements recommendation for common degenerative diseases. Don’t forget to subscribe to our feeds to ensure that you won’t miss any of our future posts. Please join us in the discussion by writing your comments here.
Posted by Pak Maeh at 12/29/2008 05:42:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Product Recommendations
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Nutritional Supplements for Asthma

When the airways react, they get narrower, and less air flows through to your lung tissue. This causes symptoms like wheezing (a whistling sound when you breathe), coughing, chest tightness, and trouble breathing, especially at night and in the early morning.
The key in truly helping patients with asthma is to rebuild their natural antioxidant defense system and natural immune system back to optimal levels. This can be accomplished by the following nutritional recommendations.
Essentials Breakfast-1, Lunch-1, Dinner-1
Active Calcium Breakfast-2, Lunch-2, Dinner-2
Proflavanol Breakfast-2, Dinner-1
Poly C Breakfast-1, Lunch-1, Dinner-2
Optomega Breakfast-2 tea spoon
BiOmega 3 Breakfast-1, Lunch-1, Dinner-2
Minimal Recommendations
Essentials Breakfast-1, Lunch-1, Dinner-1
Proflavanol Breakfast-1, Dinner-1
Active Calcium Breakfast-1, Lunch-1, Dinner-2
- View retail prices by clicking the shop@USANA button.
- Qualify for wholesale prices by enrolling as a Independent Associate (USD19.95) or Preferred Customer(FREE) for a savings of 25% off the product retail price CLICK the 4 EASY STEPS ONLINE ENROLLMENT button.
- Sign up for Autoship and save an additional 10% off the product wholesale price. You may change or cancel your Autoship order at any time.

As promised in my earlier post, we are going start discussing about Usana Nutritional Supplements recommendation for common degenerative diseases. Don’t forget to subscribe to our feeds to ensure that you won’t miss any of our future posts. Please join us in the discussion by writing your comments here.
Posted by Pak Maeh at 6/08/2008 12:40:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: Asthma, Product Recommendations
Monday, June 2, 2008
Nutritional Supplements for AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome)
It is important however, to realize that everything that we are recommending is to try to build up patient’s natural immune system and hopefully slow down this process. There is a tremendous length of time between when a patient is actually infected with the retrovirus to when they actually become sick.
In some studies it may b as long as 15 years with average being around 10 years. This is the window of time that I feel is very important to build up one’s natural immune system in the hopes that you can delay becoming ill from your disease.
The best way to build up your natural antioxidant defense system is through cellular nutrition and the addition of certain optimizers. The following is our recommendations to accomplish this goal.
Optimal Recommendations
Essentials Breakfast-1, Lunch-1, Dinner-1
Active Calcium Breakfast-1, Lunch-1, Dinner-2
Proflavanol Breakfast-2, Lunch-1, Dinner-1
Poly C Breakfast-2, Lunch-2, Dinner-2
Coquinone 30 Breakfast-2, Lunch-1, Dinner-1
Optomega Breakfast-2 tea spoon
BiOmega 3 Breakfast-1, Lunch-1, Dinner-2
Minimal Recommendations
Essentials Breakfast-1, Lunch-1, Dinner-1
Proflavanol Breakfast-1, Dinner-1
Coquine 30 Breakfast-1, Dinner-1
Poly C Breakfast-1, Lunch-1, Dinner-1
- View retail prices by clicking the shop@USANA button.
- Qualify for wholesale prices by enrolling as a Independent Associate (USD19.95) or Preferred Customer(FREE) for a savings of 25% off the product retail price CLICK the 4 EASY STEPS ONLINE ENROLLMENT button.
- Sign up for Autoship and save an additional 10% off the product wholesale price. You may change or cancel your Autoship order at any time.

As promised in my earlier post, we are going start discussing about Usana Nutritional Supplements recommendation for common degenerative diseases. Don’t forget to subscribe to our feeds to ensure that you won’t miss any of our future posts. Please join us in the discussion by writing your comments here.
Posted by Pak Maeh at 6/02/2008 10:52:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome), Product Recommendations